Our various partners
at the heart of innovative ecosystems
BioWin is the competitiveness cluster of the Belgian Walloon Region and the regional reference for all actors in inno...
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Calysta is a new style and modern Intellectual Property (IP) firm. CALYSTA positions itself as a key player in IP, ga...
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The Operational Directorate-General for Economy, Employment and Research (Direction générale opérationnelle de l'Écon...
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Support organization for the creation and development of innovative projects and companies or with high growth potent...
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INFOPOLE is the network bringing together and activating the community of Wallonian digital actors with the aim of sp...
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Noshaq develops sectorial expertise and structuring ecosystems with the aim to position companies in favorable condit...
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The MecaTech Cluster's objective is to foster partnerships between industry, research and vocational training in orde...
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The TWEED (Technologie Wallonne Energie - Environnement et Développement durable) Cluster is a Wallonian organisation...
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TWIST is a media cluster with the goal of reinforcing innovation and growth of the Belgian media industry.
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The University of Geneva is at present time the second most important graduate schools of Switzerland. Flagship of th...
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Wagralim is a competitiveness cluster accelerating companies growth active in the Wallonian agri-food industry.
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WE is the economic and financial partner of Wallonia supporting businesses. It provides the necessary means to foster...
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