WSL support
WSL supports technological projects involving the engineering sciences
The WSL team is present at every stage of the support process

Our business coaches (BUCs) dotted throughout Wallonia have particularly impressive skill sets. They are engineering specialists with entrepreneurial experience. In their day-to-day roles, they blend their knowledge of the local environment with their sector-specific expertise.
And so, every BUC understands their colleagues’ projects and can make a valuable contribution to each one.

These partners offer WSL’s startups invaluable insights. The close, trusted relationships developed over time between BUCs and business leaders are central to WSL’s added value.

They are here for you:
Nos secteurs d’activité

In Internet Explorer versions up to 8, things inside the canvas are inaccessible!

Comment ça marche ?
Les sociétés soumettent leur candidature
< 3 mois
par le comité de sélection et le conseil d’administration

18 mois
Évaluation MatMaX
Accompagnement simple

3 ans *
Renouvelable 2 fois
1 an
Accompagnement intensif

3 ans *
Renouvelable 2 fois
1 an
* 5 ans pour les spin-off
Combien ça coûte ?
There are two forms of contributions payable by WSL partner startups
An annual fee that reflects the time spent within the WSL community*

Projects where the company hasn’t been founded yet pay an annual fee of €125.00, with the startup to be launched that year. When the partnership ends (including the two potential extensions), the WSLien can receive tailored support for €1,800.00 a year.

*Spinoffs have a different timescale: founding the company can take two years and the partnership extended for up to seven years.
125 €
250 €
500 €
1000 €
Année supplémentaire 1  
1500 €
Année supplémentaire 2  
1500 €
1800 €
Un complément de prix en cas de succès

If successful, meaning when and if your startup achieves revenue of €1 M with profit, a €60,000 success fee will be charged. That success fee can be converted into shares via a buyback mechanism enabling you to repurchase your company’s equity at an attractive price: the added value is all yours!

Our services for project leaders and young, growing companies
I’m launching my project
Proposed company
Want to go straight to the heart of a complex market?

We’re here to help you.

I’m growing my company
Start-ups < 5 years
Ready to boost your company and target growth?

We’re with you every step of the way.

Want to benefit from WSL’s expertise
to launch your startup?